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This addition of gaming info is dedicated to the PlayStation version "PS2", it is a sixth-generation video game console manufactured by Sony. The PlayStation 2 forms part of the PlayStation series of video game consoles. The game has developed in the year 1999 and launch in Japan.
The game is popular all over the world and is the best selling game console until today. As per the records of December 2008, its popularity reached over 136 million units sell-in.
The game is now available at you computer and you can also play it online. All you need to do is to purchase a separate unit of Network Adapter, some PS2 games support online multiplayer. All online PS2 games released in and after 2003 are protected by the Dynamic Network Authentication System (DNAS). The purpose of this system is to prevent piracy and online cheating. In addition, some unauthorized alterations have been made on this PS2 software allowing it to be used as a fully functional web browser or messenger while connecting to a certain network. The PS2 versions can also run Linux.
Puzzle video game is a type of video game that stress on puzzle solving. The kind of puzzles to be solved can analysis many problem-solving skills includes strategy, logic, sequence solving, word completion and pattern recognition.
These games involve an assortment of conceptual and logical challenges, though rarely the games add time-pressure or other action-elements.
Some puzzle games supply the players a random collection of pieces or blocks that they should arrange in the proper manner like Tetris, Lumines and Klax. Tetris designed in 1985, is measured as one of the most important video puzzle games and has produces many variations, sequels and clones of the “falling block” variety.
Others offer a specific game board and /or parts and challenge the competitors to solve the puzzle by geeting an aim. Some of the games in previous sort have a style that players like the latter. Many adventurous games contain puzzle elements like Resident Evil, the Lenged of Zelda series and Silent Hill.
Puzzle games are very easy to develop and become accustomed from arcade units to home vodeo game consoles to personal digital supporter and mobile phones.
Los Angeles Dodgers slugger, Manny Ramirez is been banned from 50 games as a result for a positive drug test.
Although the details of this incident were not revealed, but the information is that Ramirez has apologized for his mistake from the Dodgers owner and from the Dodgers fans. He also proclaimed that the medicine was not steroid; and his physician has prescribed it, being unaware of the fact that the drug was banned under the Baseball’s drug policy. However, he has accepted the penalty driven by the sports committee and has decided not to go for any appeal.
The famous All-Star Manny Ramirez will have to take a small menu-pause in his professional career and the expected date of his retrieval is estimated to be 3 July. Ramirez was looking forward for four- year deal of about $100 million, which is now been delayed for months after the latest drug results.
Adventure Quest is another single player game available online, where players need to move forward for a common mission together, or they play against each other such as in "Clan Wars." Most versions of this game cover the fighting monsters, where the player attack n them with the help of weapon shield or armor, drink a potion, cast a spell, call a pet or equip a miscellaneous item.
Changing armor, weapon or shield are used as the tools for the protection however other options like changing pets or drinking a potion are use to increase up a turn. Sometimes during an opponent's turn, it may attack, though some monsters have special attacks such as healing. Pack monsters and a several other monsters can be use to enhance the backup, which does not add up a turn.
In case the players beat the monsters, they put on Experience Points (XP), gold, and possibly Z-tokens. The XP is to increase the player's character for more Turns, Health, etc whereas gold is used for buying weapons, armor or pets. Z-Tokens are occasionally drop by monsters, but they have a special infrequency, and can be used to buy special weapons, items, houses, or can be exchanged for gold. The fights start through random encounter and quest, which need to be search out throughout the game. The battle is on turn-by-turn basis.